Monday, July 7, 2008

Independence - noun. in-de-pend-ence, Freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others.

Happy late 4th of July! I love fireworks, actually I just love holidays in general. I'm not sure why, but you'll see around Christmas time, which I start celebrating right after Halloween, and you think I'm joking...

It was the babies first experience with fireworks so that was exciting. The only problem was that by the time they started he was so tired he just sat with his head against my chest and I held and ear and he quietly fell asleep during them! So cute though. He was awake for the first couple and pappa held him, when the first one went off he squeezed Caleb's arm super tight, but didn't cry, what a big boy!

Here are a couple shots of
the sparkles.
There's Avery, my niece making an 'A' for her name with a sparkler. Whatever setting Caleb had the camera set at when he took the picture captured it perfectly...

And more sparkle fun!

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