One of my weekend projects in this last month turned out to be a success. A while back we sold our bar-top table on craigslist because it wasn't as kid-friendly as we would like, we bought a great (and cheap) table from Ikea and used our orange benches as seats, it's perfect for Xander to climb up and down. We were brainstorming about what to do with the top, because it wasn't finished and it stained really easy, and we thought of the best idea...chalkboard paint! I had already painted a couple rectangles on the kitchen walls for notes and calendars, so it seemed fitting to match, and be totally kid friendly. It turned out great. I decided when Caleb was gone on a work trip that I would just get it done and surprise him when he got back. I took a quick shot of the table before X got a hold of it, now I wish I would have done a before picture, oh well. Xander, breaking in the table. He likes to practice his letters and his shapes. He's too smart. He usually asks Mama to draw something, sometimes a ghost, and sometimes letters. Talking away. Highly recommend this table idea to anyone with toddlers. What a great way to keep them busy and creative at the same time, especially when you're cooking dinner and he wants to be close.
Beautiful weather. Beautiful babies. Beautiful drinks. Spring makes me happy, don't get me wrong, I love winter, but mostly because I love Christmas, so the longer winter hangs around AFTER Christmas the more unwelcome it is. But now it's spring; trees are budding and flowers (mostly lilies) are starting to bloom and the neighborhood is out in full dog-walking force. We watched X's cousin, Keaton the other morning and went for a nice walk in the wagon, a handy multiple-child tool. We still need to get around to buying our double stroller so I've just been slinging the new baby around, I like that better anyway, keeping him close. Here are a couple pictures of our last week. Caleb pulling the boys in the wagon; as they get bigger it gets a little harder to pull. We bought the wagon at a garage sale and we asked the woman why she was getting rid of it, since she still had two girls at home, and she said they just got too heavy to pull them in, that didn't make sense to us until both Keaton and Xander were in it. The classic Keaton glare, just get used to it. Three babies, all a year apart (Xander 2, Keaton 1 and Jonah 1 month), I'm pretty sure we all have our work cut out for ourselves. Eating bananas after a bath. In honor of me being not-pregnant Misha got me some champagne, my favorite, and let me drink out of her pretty glass...even after I accidentally broke a different one.
The weather is starting to turn for the better, finally, down here in Charlotte and we couldn't be happier. After what seemed like the longest and coldest winter since leaving Minnesota the sun is awesome to behold! It's recharging us and getting us ready for gardening season, something that I wasn't sure if I'd be in the mood for, since having another nugget around, but now that the sun is shining and it's starting to feel warm again I'm feeling good about another garden. Caleb took X to the park and shot some amazing pictures of him this weekend, I think he really caught the essence that is Xander, all boy and all crazy. Also one picture of me and Jonah from the most recent All Arts Market in NoDa where Caleb had a table, now it's a family thing! Enjoy some pictures of my beautiful family! All boy! All the time! But still beautiful! Like father like son...they are practically identical. Sitting on the couch watching some tv... Me and little Jonah David, poking his head out of his little sling, my favorite thing lately, we never had one with Xander but I highly recommend mothers with tiny ones to get one.