Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Humdrum - noun. hum-drum, The quality of wearisome constancy, routine, and lack of variety.

Here's a neat youtube clip of this guy who can sing both parts to Aladin's 'A Whole New World', it's pretty entertaining. I think he sounds like both parts too. He has other clips on youtube, singing Whitney Houston and some other popular songs, but no where near as good as this one...

As I write this Xander is meticulously working on tearing down a road block I put in his path to keep him from going outside. It's raining here, again! I opened the door to hear the rain and feel the cool air, for once! And all he wants is to get out that door...


Ash said...

I know!! We will be there! How fun to have you so close again....and right at FALL and CHRISTMAS TIME. Hahaha.

chris moken said...

he has the voice of aladin, and jasmine, and the chin of gaston.